Fussy Eating in Children

Nov 01 , 2022

Hungry Koala

Feeding a toddler is the most Herculean task ever for any parent and the biggest concern especially if mothers is that their 3yr old doesn’t eat anything at all !!!
Toddler is the age between 1yr to 3yrs which is the most challenging time period of upbringing because kids of this age are extremely stubborn, mischievous, hyper active, lack concentration and poor eaters.
Nutrition being a non negotiable factor no parent want to compromise on the growth and development of their kids.
A growing toddler must receive meals attributing to about 1000-1300 kcal/kg/day for their optimal growth. Invariably more than 60% of Indian kids do not receive this nourishment. The national family health survey 2015-16 indicates that nearly 58% of Indian children between 6months to 5yrs have some degree of anemia. Also on the contrary about 25-30 % of children are obese. If you look at these statistics it clears shows the nutritional divide as well the significance of scope to improve the dietary issues of children.
Practice responsive feeding.
After the first birthday self feeding must be encouraged despite spillages. Each Child must be fed under supervision in a separate plate to develop to develop an individual identity. Force feeding, threatening and punishment interfere with development of good feeding habits. Along with feeding mother and caregivers should provide psycho social stimulation to the child through ordinary age-appropriate play and communication activities to ensure early childhood development.